Thursday, December 5, 2013

Farhenheight 451 notes and questions

Farenheight 451Notes and questions

451=The tempature at which paper burns and on the badges fire man uses. a.k.a fireman
Phoenix=Montags love of burning things as he see's himself as the phoenix, or how in this change he is going through is making his old thoughts burn away.
Electric-Eyed Snake=how everything in the world is reversed because the snake is suppose to poison and kill someone, however in this case its being used to revive and help.
Mausoleum=how the couples marradge and life is dead and is now just being viewed by others and not lived by them.
Dandelion=the dandelion is like a color in a 
gray and colorless world, it also shows the sad and depression in Montag, while the flower is bright and cheerful.
1.    When Clarisse is outside on page 21, what is she doing?
She is walking in the rain and tasting the drops.
2.    When Clarisse puts the flower under Montag’s chin, what does it show? Why? It shows that Montag isn't in love because the flower didnt rub off his chin, but Montag kept on denying it.

3.    Who do you think makes Clarisse go to the psychiatrist? Why?
            I think it is herself and the phycaitrist because maybe he is the only person that she could feel comfortable asking her questions and opinions.
4.    What is Clarisse’s opinion of Montag? Explain.
           She questions if he is ever happy and if he loves someone, but after doing a dandelion test it appears that he doesn't.
5.    What is the Hound? What is its function?
            A robot dog that is suppose to kill readers and thinkers.
6.    Who is Beatty? Does he seem to like Montag?
            The chief of montags fire squad it seems like hes a close friend.
7.    Contrast the uncle’s description of the “old days” with the current society.
      Montag= A fireman who soon starts to question everything and every one. He starts to wonder about his job and why he does it. If 
Clarisse= A strange girl who does things that most others wouldn't. She soon meets up with Montag and starts making him question things like if fireman did once put out fires? She also appears to having to go to a phycaitrist for doing strange things like walking in the rain.
Beatty=Fire chief captain he questions but has a neutral 
understanding for Montag.
The Mechanical Hound= A dog that as people would say is both alive and dead. It seems to not like Montag even though it doesn't have emotions.

1) Outline the plot according the six elements of plot. Give at least three events for the rising action and falling action.
Exposistion=Montag walking down the street saying how he liked burning things while coming home.
Inciting event= Montag meeting the odd Clarisse and her making him question things like how fireman used to put out fires a long time ago.
Rising actions= Montag seeing the burning of an old lady who wouldn't give herself or her books up. Montag asking Mildred how they met and if they were happy. Montag doing the flower love test with Clarisse and learning that he doesn't love Mildred. Montag showing Mildred that he has been keeping books and telling an old friend of his who was also a collector.
Climax=Montag burning up Captain Beatty, his crew/Montags friends, the mechanical hound, and the fire truck because he was about to be arrested for the books he had.
falling action= Montag being on the run from the police, meeting Faber at his house and the cops being so hot on there trail that Montag could look out the window and see himself on the t.v. Montag escaping the city and following police forces. Montag meeting other people who have left the city and were hunted down.
Resolution=Montag and the other people start making a secret society c=for saving books.

2) Be able to discuss the importance of the following characters:
Montag=He soon realizes that every thing is normal and all the same and soon starts thinking for himself and everything around him.
Clarisse= Sparks the inciting event and curiosity in Montag about everything that is wrong with the city. She also makes him think about how firemen used to stop fires not creating them which was possibly the reason on why Montag later started collecting books.
Beatty= Shows the warning and tries to Bring Montag back to his normal self, but insteads just pushes him further in his curiosity on how his job seems wrong. later he is killed by Montag which finally seals his fate that he isn't normal with the society anymore.
Mrs. Phelps=A friend of Mildrids who reports Montag
Black= A fireman who worked with Montag and gets framed by him by having  a book planted in his home.
Faber= A friend of Montag that shows him what he can become or do. teaches him about thinking for himself and literature.
Granger= man that shows Montag a true purpose and kind of life he can have by joining him and a few other people on protecting books after meeting him out the city.
Mildred= is another sign that pushes Montag on the path of thinking by showing him how there were no true love or any memories of there life together.
The Mechanical Hound=is depicted as the warden with out a soul. He only follows his specific commands to hunt down learners and readers, and kill them. Montag saids he is alive and dead. it just shows how that is almost every ones life in this town. they are alive to do there life or jobs, but are dead of what they think of there lives and emotions for it.

3) Be able to explain and give at least three examples of scenes that fit the following themes:

The Dangers of Censorship
The Dangers of Ignorance
The search for Identity
How censorship and mass media can be used to control people
The importance of independent thought and creativity= By using multiple t.vs as a blanket

4) List two foreshadows=The charecters talking about the war then later it happening in the city. The mechanical hound not liking Montag in the beginning then later hunting him down for reading books.
5) List four allusions and discuss why these allusions are important to the book

Book of job=in book job is like Montag as he tells every one that what is happening in this world is wrong
Dover Beach=
Benjamin Franklin= ideas in this world is twisted making what Benjamin do evil as he wanted to stop fires.

6) List the point of view= 3rd person limited
7) List the setting= Far past the 1990's in the future, fire department, Montags house close to America
8) Discuss How Montag is a dynamic character
9) Discuss the meaning of the following images/symbols

Salamander= the Fire truck
451=The degree at which paper can burst into flames
Phoenix=The rebirth of the city technically
Electric-Eyed Snake
Parlor walls
Denham’s Dentifice=A overwhelming commercial,and music jingles

10) List and explain four metaphors and/or similes. What is being compared?What is important about the comparison? Stars flowed over the night like a fire spreading. There was only a girl walking with him now, her face bright as snow in the moonlight "The electric thimble moved  on the pillow.  Montag, you shin that pole like a bird up a tree. 

 Montag's hand closed like a mouth, crushed the book with wild devotion, with an insanity of mindlessness to his chest."
11) Discuss “Dover Beach” – How is it used? What are the results?
12) Discuss Montag’s relationship with Mildred. Is it a typical relationship in this society? If so what does this say about this society?He is desperate to keep her and no one knows how they met.
13) Discuss conversation in this society.
14) Discuss what the schools are like in this society. Why is this important? They go on for many days and show them how to kill things
15) How many Atomic Wars have taken place since 1990? What does this say about this society? about two and that p
16) Discuss the war that is always alluded to in the background of the book.
17) Why is another man killed in Montag’s place? What does this represent? They wanted to distract people and tell them that they could't find him, so people wouldn't be scared and think there would be no uprise.
18) What’s important the significance of the following quote, who says it?: “Go home and think of your first husband divorced and your second husband killed in a jet and your third husband blowing his brains out, go home and think of the dozen abortions you’ve hand and your children who hate your guts…” Montag saids that to Mrs. Phelps to understand how wrong this society is and how she doesn't notice what is really happening
19) What do you make of Beatty’s ability to quote literature and destroy books?
20) What do you make of Beatty’s death? Did he want to die or did he underestimate Montag? Explain. He underetimated him thinking that like most other people he would not take that last step to being a free mind and uprising for his own thoughts or opinions.
21) Are people really happy in this world? Explain.
22) Describe Montag in the beginning of the book. How does he feel about his job?
23) The jets that fly overhead all the time foreshadow what? What things do they represent?
24) Describe the woman who burns herself up with her books. What does she represent? What does she killed herself? How does she change Montag?
25) List some religious allusions. What are these important? book of jobe
26) Explain the quote: “She didn’t what to know how a thing was done, but why?” Who does this quote refer to? What does it mean?
27) Why don’t women want children in this society? How are the children raised? They would rather be lazy and watch tv then have children
28) Why does Beatty make Montag burn his house? He thinks it was a good punishment for keeping books in there and would help his habit on the books.
29) Why does Montag plant a book at Black’s house? To frame him so the firemen would burn his house.
30) How are books being saved?
31) Does the novel end with hope? Explain.
32) How does the dark ages connect with Fahrenheit 451.
33) Define Dystopia.  

Reading Schedule:

12/3  pages 3-20
12/4  vocabulary quiz (HW 21-30)
12/5  31-40
12/6 Test on NIGHT OR FAREWELL MANZANAR (HW for Monday 41-50)
12/9  51-70
12/10 71-80
12/11 81-90
12/12  91-100
12/13   101-120
12/16   121-140
12/17  141-END
12/18  REVIEW
12/19  TEST

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Grammer sentence questions

1. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic chemicals; the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.

2. Mr. Leyland played the viola professionally for many years, and he now conducts a community orchestra.

3. The crab grass was flourishing, but the rest of the lawn, unfortunately, was dying.

4. The hill was covered with wildflowers; it was a beautiful sight.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

1) The bear was big, broke open the garbage, ate the left over pizza, got shot by Dan's father, and  Dan cried.

2) Espionage is the secret collection of intelligent information, goes back over two thousand years and was started in China by Sun Tzu.

Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. Several countries participated in the airlift Italy; Belgium; France; and Luxembourg.

2. "Only one course was open to us, surrender." said the ex-major, and we did.

3. Judge Carswell; later to be nominated for the Supreme Court had ruled against civil rights.

4. In last week's New Yorker; one of my favorite magazines; I enjoyed reading Leland's article, "How Not to Go Camping."

5. "Yes", Jim said, "I'll be home by ten." 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grammer learning signs

Comma= they divide items in a list and are not requiered before the and.
it is not incorrect to put a comma before the and or or at the end.
commas are used when two complete sentences are joined together using such conjunctions as and, but, or, while, and yet
commas fill gaps were other words might go
commas go before direct speech
commas set off interjections
commas set aside non-essential information

Rules for semi collon
Semi-collen= A stylistic mark that is never necessary; it takes place of a comma or period
1) To join two or more closely related sentences or complete statements.
2) To connect interrelated ideas or thoughts.France we bought tea;Amsterdam coffee;in America Coke cola.
3) A semi colon may replace a comma to separate items of a list when additional commas may confuse the reader.

Rules for Collon
Colleen= Stylistic mark,never necessary, takes the place of a comma
1) Introduce a list
2) After a statement that introduces a quotation
3) Many writers use colleen to expand or define on some object or subject within a sentence.

The Dash
Dash=An informal mark of punctuation used for stylistic effects.
1)set off a word or group of words introduced unexpectedly.
2) Abrupt breaking off of one thought into another or the discovery of an unexpected thought or idea.
3) use a dash to separate two identical or almost identical words.
4) use a dash before a list that explains in detail some word or phrases in the first part of the sentence.
5) many authors use the dash as a method of a phrase when a character is speaking.
6) James Joyce uses the dash instead of the quotations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

notes on Night Elie Wiesle
Time line 1941-1944 war
Story told by Elli Wiesle
father was on the jewish council
characters Moshi beedle and Elisa wiell. madame Schafer.
Juliek= a bespectacple

Theme= Eliezer’s struggle to maintain faith in a possible God; silence; inhumanity toward other humans; the importance of father-son bonds

Father is pale could be sick or scared
Being forced to leave there homes and neighborhoods

Police checking on houses possibly looking for stow ays or just checking
All the jews are being forced to leave. police are brutally beating and shouting at them to leave. Ether for abusive use of power or for warning about the danger happening from the war.
Were saved by some police before their burning death.
Are now in a concentration camp, possibly going to be used as slaves.
Morality and faith seem to be leaving the poor slaves at the camp.
Some of the prisoners like Akimba Drummer has lost hope in life since he offered his life to execution.

title is symbol night referencing that the darkness is scary and that it will possibly always be scary.
jewish star of david a symbol
symbol= the Haulocuast, The furnace
Job= allusion man in book who is challenge by satan to not be protected by god.

Exposition= Elli wanting to learn more about the religion in his small town. While a great war is about to start.
inciting event= Everyone of the jews being sent to the ghetto.
Rising action= Having a horrific train ride thats full of near starvation and dehydration. Jews have been saved from a burning death and have now been put into concentration camp. Elli and his father going to work like slaves in the camp. Ellie
Climax= Ellie's father dying
Falling Action=The Resistance battling and taking over the camp that Elli was in.
Resolution= Ellie waking up in the hospital with food poisoning. He then looks in the mirror to see his horrific figure he's been turn into.

forshadow and symbol=the furnace
foreshadow=the doctors apointment he said I have a gold crown it seems he's saying he will be healthy. instead was talking about his soon to be pulled gold tooth.

edict= an official order or proclamation said by an official or officer of authority.
phylacteries= a small leather box containing hebrew texts.
synagouge=the building were the jewish assembly or congregation meets.
hermetically= of or relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, and theosophy.
Dysentery= infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces.

narrator 1st person
Pages 1-10: The young jew Maimodes is looking for master. while the book is talking about a man who seems to be sad but pleasant master that made himself invisible from disrupting others or burdening them with his presence. the book is also mentioning and introducing the jewish town of Sighet. Maimodes is talking about his genourouse father who cares more about the town than his family. The father is one of the leaders and he hardly shows any sign of emotion.there town seems to be a few miles away from the war that is happening because the army is starting to warn therm that they may have to leave there homes.

Pages 11-20
now it apears that Maimodes family and the whole town in fact has been asked or forced to leave there nice town. the war appears to be moving near them so they are forced to pack up at small valubles they want and leave. the jews are still in shock that they are leaving at such a late time to be placed in a ghetto. Maimodes family might have a chance at not leaving but they still had to pack up and throw out there stuff in case they were next on going to the ghetto. it turns out that there family is now next and the family is suppose to march quetly and fast to a safer place while the hungarian police escort them

Pages 20-30
As Elli, his family and over 80 jews make it to a safe place, they are soon immediately forced into a compressed train cart. During the first few hours it was quiet and every one was sitting silently. soon people started to flirt with each other for the only means of happiness. during the ride the delirious madam Schafter who kept on hinting towards the always scared of fire. it soon took the other passengers in the cart to beat and tie her up to keep her quiet. After reaching the town of Auschwitz every one was dehydrated and starving, with out there memories or jewelry's to keep. Upon arrival every one was immediately take by officers and split into two groups separating the men and women. it seems that the german police here are trying to save and hid some jews by changing there age and letting them avoid a horrible death.

Pages 30-40
Elli has now been separated from his mom and sister. He now is with his dad and a few other unlucky men that have all been given new ages. Now after being examined by some troops, they have now been sent to a concentration camp in Auschwitz. After being separated into occupation categories the jews are now all sent to work. it Appears that through out the orientation of the camp that Elli has a burning unbelievable rage inside him from all thats happened. Soon after his father went up to a gypsie to ask were the bathroom is but instead ended up being beaten senseless. it seems that these troops were here to use them as slaves in exchange for not killing them.

Pages 40-50
It seems that Ellie has now been moved to a more merciful concentration camp. His pleads were heard and was able to stay moderately close to his father. Though the guards there are nice, they will not laziness or slacking off for jobs they were assigned or there will be punishments. in the end though the last of his Jewish memories were taken away after his gold tooth was pulled out and his shoes were replaced and not bargained with. Though Elie is Jewish it looks like he's starting to question or believe a tiny bit in god for mercy and hope that he will not die.

Pages 50-60
Its been a few weeks since Ellie has arrived at the camp and now is working to get small rations to fill in his boned skin. The leaders or Idek seems to be the worse of the officers at the camp. To save his but and show fear to Elli he whipped him for seeing his self with a half nude Polish girl. It seems that the american forces or opposing enemy has started marching and getting further into German territory, since bombs went off one night at the camp.

Pages 70-80
Elli and the whole camp seem to dwindle in there faith to god. Akimbo has gave up all life he had and offered his neck to the execution. Elli seems to be more worried about his father since he thought that they would die. The condition and weather of the camp seems to be becoming worse then hell. its consistently having blizzards and ice winds that is tearing through the poor clothing and skin of the campers. lastly Elli is now in the hospital and has just had an operation on is frozen swollen leg. it appears the operation was a success and he has avoided the chopping block for now.

Pages 80-90
All the jews are now on the move leaving there concentration camp to go and find shelter far away. With the icy cold wind in front and the thought of being trampled to death by many other prisoners behind, Elie could only continue running on nearly no energy with his father. They finally made it to an abandon factory that was in poor, cold condition. If any of the Jews were to fall asleep on the freezing cold snow it would mean that they're sacrificing there lives to death. Many people are dead and the numbers just keep dropping and soon it will just be Ellie and his father.

Pages 90-100

Though he is passed out and not moving Ellie will not give up the fact that his father may soon pass away. He now is in a great panic to show the other troops that he is not dead yet. Now them and a fast depleting amount of jews are heading off in a train to the middle of Germany. during the ride Elli relives the savagery weak people have when there last source of hope is in between them all. It  seems that more and more people are giving up on living and soon Chlomo's friend Meir Katz might be next. As Elli put it there is a contagion of death that is spreading across the carts. They now have arrived in Buchenwald, now only time will tell what will happn

Pages 101-109

Elli's father was in the final stages of Death there was no more hope, help, or miracle that could deny his inevitable demise. The bunk mates that were next to Chlomo soon started beating him and taking his rations of food, but still there was nothing that could be done to help him no matter how much he pleaded. Ellie was soon given advice from a guard to think for him self, instead of the lost father. Elli despite the fact it was true still couldn't think about it. the next day Chlomo was dead; he was taken late in the morning to the incinerator. Now it was soon going to be the whole camp that would die. Luckily the Jews managed to dis obey this order to there executions and hold out for ten long, starving days. On the tenth day there was gunfire and explosives going off. it was the resistance and they had taken over the base. Ellie spent the next few weeks eating and in the hospital. lastly he got up and looked at the cold stare coming from his mirror.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vocab list 4

Apathy=Lack of interest, concern, or enthusiasm Noun
Appease=Pacify or placate by acceding their demands Verb
happen or occur afterward or as a result Verb
Imperceptible=Impossible to perceive Adj 
insisting on immediate attention or obedience Adj
Undulation=move with a smooth wave like motion Verb
Imperative=Of vital importance, crucial Adj
Reiterate=Say something again or number of times. Verb
based on or involving conjecture
    Conjecture=an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information:
Poignant= evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret Adj

The 80 year old man had apathy at the thought spending another dreadful day in this retirement home with no chocolate cake covered in vanilla sprinkles and banana slices covered in strawberry and whipcream on top of spray cheese.
To appease the spoiled brat the rich parents had to buy him a ticket to space camp.
Many buildings had fallen after the ensued tornado accident happened in New york. 
"your mind is imperceptible to learn on how the world really works young grass hopper" the old monk said.
The five year old sad that he broke his arm and didnt get the undulation of his family that was still adoring the one year old.
It was imperative that the letter was delivered to the hot blond at the end of the classroom
The annoying boy continued to Reitliterate,"I want the blue one" to his tired mom.
The conjectual girl didnt have enough facts to prove that big foot was real. 
Even though he promised his now dead wife the husband pointgant during the fact that he couldn't keep his promise. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Notes on Blues Ain't no Mockingbird

They continued to speak about places kinda like they used to live there?
The camera man is persistent With his camera still rolling and continually trying to get footage of the house, possibly a reporter.
Jerogatory term Aunt jamaia the syrup lady and the granny in the story are being called the same even though they don't know each other.
Time 1930s in the south, reason during the food stamps and the type of cameras.
Using the cameras and family for footage to show that they were against food stamps
Bingo Allusion to the song Bingo was his name
keep on moving because of people don't respect her. Ex people not paying for things they buy from her.
Rocks in the teeth, personafication of him being angry.
Narrator Grand daughter
the camera and smiliy man mention her plants and food. possiblyAgainst the food stamp debate since he saids if more people did that.
the reporters are persistant on wanting to get the footage they need from granny.
Granny doesn't like the reporters because their possibly disrespecting her property and privacy.
simili him say good bye like he was purposely trying to end an on going poker game.
Grandaddy takes and smash camera, was telling the reporters to leave. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2) By thinking of some nice nostalgic memories, Paul was able to think of a better world with his father that would keep him away from the nightmare he's in now.(A Symbol of safeness)

3) He thinks that the ocean will be his safe haven while in the big picture he's still in war and can't run.

4) Paul is thinking that the southern cross is actually god looking out for him. (A symbol)

5) A metaphor and symbol

6) Him being so scared by the war is making any other thing pleasant. (situational irony so scared even this dreadful place is pleasant)

7) Even fears and emotions can kill you. (A Symbol)

8) A symbol chewing gum calms the nerves, symbol, he wants to be positive and think of going home, irony, they are being happy and laughing even though their friend just died.

Irony Simily. saying that Billy is in a final struggle to escape death like he is still alive even though he was already dead in the bag

Friday, October 4, 2013

were have you gone Billy Boy.

1) By having his foot blown off which caused him to be scared giving him a heart attack.

2) Toby wants to keep Paul from laughing because it could possibly get them spotted by the enemy.

3) In the end the men continue walking towards the sea getting closer and closer to it.

4) He started to count every step he took, thinking of all the stories he would say to his father making him proud, and by singing songs. He starts to get sidetracked from his fear for a little.

5) The problem is internal because through the whole story he starts to tell himself to be calm and focus. he also thinks of methods that keeps him away from the scary fact that he could die.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Vocabulary list three from cherry tree

Diffuse=spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people:Verb
Fecund=producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth, Adj
Suffuse=gradually spread through or over, Verb
Goad= provoke or annoy someone so as to stimulate some action or reaction, drive or urge. verb
Inaugurate=begin or introduce, Verb
Squander=waste money or time in a reckless and foolish manner, Verb
Cavort=jump or dance around excitedly, Verb
Severdivide by cutting or slicing by fast swift cuts, Verb
Prosiac=having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty, Adj
Paraphernaliamiscellaneous articles, esp. the equipment needed for a particular activity. Noun
Inertia=  a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged. Noun
The father tried to goad his son into telling him who he likes, but instead ended up hearing the door slammed and the car starting.
Paint continually suffuse the walls from the poor paint job that was coming from the artistic boy.
The six year old boy squandered away his large stack of Halloween candy, but later ended up getting sick and losing half of it.
The mexican inagurated himself as being a beautiful mule trainer in hopes that someone will help him get into the united states. 
THe old man cavorted when he finally got his navy bean soup then became sad by seeing that it was actually tomato.
The thick string severed all the bodies in half except for the poor girl that was barely missed on the scary ship.

The Split Cherry Tree summary of Pa

 If Pa Saxton was here today he would be surprised by all the new things and technology today. He believed in about two things the fairness in everybody and that a man should work to pay off debts to make a honest living. If it wasn't for his son dave getting in trouble that involved him paying a dollar he would still be in the dark following his old traditions today. When he saw that is boy had to pay while four friends got off free he was still trying following his old rules and was about to pull dave out of school. The teacher was lucky enough to convince him that his son was learning or there would be a bullet in his head.
Once the teacher talked enough sense into him the really started to bond. Pa learned that their is newer science, inventions, and discoveries being made. He also learned about germs and how they grow on your teeth. The teacher learned about how every one should work to pay off debts not just pay with green. So I guess by the end of the day the teacher taught an old dog some new tricks.

Friday, September 20, 2013

     Once the Prince opened the door he was immediately met with a ferocious tiger. The princess, not caring about the other peoples "Aww," was giving an menacing smirk to what was about to be the Prince's demise. The prince, having barely enough reaction time, was clawed on his arm by the ferocious, leaping tiger. The tiger then saw the whole crowd and soon began to charge them, ignoring the peasant. The princess and king's laughter soon turned distraught as he made all his guards go and face the tiger, but by the time he gave the commands the soldiers were either maned, fled, or trying to spear the tiger. The peasant, seeing his chance, made a break for the second door. He opened it and took his soon to be bride, or at least she would be if the minister was still alive. As they both started to leave through the doors the princess saw them and ordered some troops to chase after them. Hearing the order, the peasant grabbed a small dagger off a dead soldier who was near him. As wounded warriors chased down the couple, the peasant would swiftly plunge the dagger into them.
     The crowd, screaming in fear and horror, started to flee the Amphitheater while the tiger continued to maul everything in sight. The only person who didn't move was the king who sat in his throne, shocked at what was happening to his beloved kingdom and prophesy. The peasant and his wife were so close to the exit, they could see the lights that gleamed at the end of the tunnel. Right as they exited, four spears waited a few inches in front their necks. It was the princess and five soldiers.

"Did you really think you two could escape the trial and this land alive and together?" the Princess asked with an evil smile as she drove a sharp knife right through the peasant's shoulder blade.

Screaming in agony, the peasant fell to the ground bleeding heavily from his wound while the bride just stood there crying.

 "Men, kill these two!" Before the princess could even finish her sentence, she ran away.
The peasant, confused and now having some energy, looked up only to see the tiger clawing and pouncing on every one of the soldiers. Then, the tiger had its eyes on the princess. Seeing her shake and smelling the fear, the tiger roared then ate her bit by bit.
Seizing the opportunity, both the peasant and his bride hopped on a horse and rode away from the massacre that had fallen upon that land.

It has been a year since the blood bath that happened on the amphitheater. Both husband and bride are living the rest of their lives in peace and tranquility, happy that they were the first to change the tradition.  

Friday, September 13, 2013

I do adore my good friend Montressur, we've been through his dark, damp, and scary grave yard. Now that we are at the end of his catacombs he is doing possibly the best joke of the whole night. I thought it was strange that he kept on giving me more and more wine just so I could get chained up.

Okay, now I'm starting to get a bit worried. It has been a good ten minutes and he still hasn't freed me yet. I mean, I know that we haven't seen eye to eye in the past, but I know he'll release me. All he keeps on doing is giving me a menacing glare and putting up a cement wall to cover the only door. I then asked him about the Amontillado we were supposed to look at and he just continually pointed at the bricks. It's beginning to frighten me that I might not make it out alive tonight.

Well, now I'm convinced that Montressur wants to kill me. I tried to scream for help, but as I did it, Montressur began to scream as well. It was quite strange, like he was sending me a message that we were too deep for anyone to hear us. I'm now trying to get out of here, but these chains are too tight.

Montressur is down to the last brick. I guess it was my fault for listening to him and falling for his trap. If I ever make it out of here I'm going to never make contact or be cheap to others again. I'll be kind and possibly never go into someone's grave ever again. Well, the last brick is up. I guess it will be fun living in solitary confinement.
Notes on the Cask of Amontillado

in the beginning Monttresure saids that he wants revenge
possibly wants to commit a crime

Meets the feared conninssuership in whine
 Possibly one of the main charecters in story.

Montressure brings up the Amontillado in conversation.
it could be a rare artifact, food, or drink.

Montressure leads fortunato to his family catacombs to see the amontillado
It might be a setup

Even though hes not sober Montrisur keeps on giving Fortunato whine
ether being nice or an evil trick is occurring

catcombs are below a old house
it could belong to montrisures ancestors

Montressure scares fortunato by fake stabbing him
 trying to scare him perhaps

Montrisure Chains Fortunato to a wall.
It was trap and revenge

Montresure Starts to seal a wall on Fortunato
His revenge is revealed

fortunato uses cement and seals the wall permanently
wants to commit murder

Fortuanto strarts to panic and scream
last act of a desperate man

One brick left, last noise heard were the bells
 Fortunato trying to escape by wriggling

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Vocab words list 2

Preclude= Make from happening, Impossible to do: Verb
Impunity= Excemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action: Noun
Abscond= Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of, or an arrest for a unlawful action/crime: verb
Response= a verbal or written answer: noun
Termination= the act of bringing something or coming to an end: noun
Subside= Become less violence intense or severe: verb
Aperture= An opening, hole, or gap: Noun
Implore= beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something: verb
Fetter= a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles: Noun
Immolation= kill or offer as a sacrifice, esp by burning: Verb

The husband did all his chores and had impunity from going to the opera.
the little boy thought that jumping death gorge would be cool, while the sister laughed at the impunity thought.
The poor Fortunato was reposed 50 years after he was placed in the catacombs.
The ten year old boy absconded to the bathroom because he couldn't hold in three cups of cherry punch.
The termination of the rats was really sad when they were poisoned and sliced in half by traps.
The planes shaky storm subsided after it finally landed two hours later.
The bomb caused a big enough aperture in the ship that it immediately began to sink and tilt.
"I implore you as king of the britain to stand aside and let my people through," the king said as he got on his knees in front of the knight.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vocabulary words

Amenity noun: The pleasantness of a place or person
Condone noun: accept and allow
Cultivated Adj: try to aquire or develope
Disarming Adj: take a weapon or weapons away
Droll Adj: curious or unusual way that provokes dry amusment
Imperative Adj: of vital importance, crucial
Quarry Noun: a place typically large deep pit were stone and other material are or have been extracted
Scruple noun: a feeling of doubt or hesitation with reguard to the morality or propriety of a course of action
Solicitously Adj: characterized by having or showing interest or concern
Tangible Adj: perceptible by touch
Uncanny Adj: strange or mysterious esp in a unsettling way
Zealous Adj: having or showing zeal
Zeal= great energy or enthusiasm. 

The gatekeeper condone the friendly merchant to pass into the city.
A tourist was very surprised by the amenities that people in alaska have.
The prisoner was cultivated because it was his turn to read to the other inmates and he had a spectacular voice.
Thanks to the alarm the old man had enough time for disarming the gun from the robber.
The clown brought only a droll presant to the nine year old birthday party.
It was very imperative that Mr.Sanchez got the files to Burt's office by 12:00 p.m or he would be fired.
The quarry was a great place to mine and find gold.
I questioned the scruple of shooting a three point during the final minutes of the games.
It would be futile to run from the thousands of cops with guns poitned at you.
The fat cop solitiously care for the bird that broke its wing by sending it to the vet.
The 16 year old teen was over zealous that she got a car for her birthday.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Most dangerous game notes

A sailor lore is an island known as Ship Trap island

This island could be a possible forshadow
I think that the crew or some one will end up falling overboard and being stranded on the island

One of the main characters is a pro hunter named Rainsford
He believes in the hunters and the hunted
while in night time Rainsford hears three pistol shots come from the island
while looking on the railing he loses his pipe and goes over board after it
Inciting event is Rainsford heading to the island by him self

Rainsford meets two new strange characters. one being a burly deaf russian soildier called Ivan who follows command under the second man, General Zauroff. While getting new clothes on, Rainsford learns that another man used to wear them. also while having dinner Rainsfordkeeps on noticing that Zauroff was staring at him menacingly. lastly Rainsford soon notices that Zauroff hunts more than animals. Zauroff finds great game and pleasure to hunt any week person or any one of a lower class than him.

Three rising actions that happen in the story is Rainsford falling off his yacht and heading towards ship trap island. Rainsford exploring the island and finding a large manor that hosts two strange owners, General Zauroff, and his deaf and dull friend Ivan. lastly while having dinner Rainsford learns that this man got so unsatisfied of hunting that he hunts game that can reason and is the most dangerous. Zauroff hunts low class humans for fun and Rainsford is soon forced to play his game.

Journal entry 1

This court is now in session, bring the defendant forward. Mr. Rainsford you have been accused of murder, do you plead guilty?”
“I don’t, Zuaroff was a hunter and a mass murder. If you were there before the death you would possibly see thousands of bones, clothes, and other belongings to people that have gone missing. When I was at his manor I was supposed to use self-defense to try and win at his hunting game. I also happen to have a couple of eyewitnesses. These were twelve Spaniard sailors who were being held prisoner in the basement of Zauroff’s mansion. Also, like most of the other victims, they were out sailing until they mysteriously crashed on the island. Zauroff even had guns in his manor, but if you were to look around you would see no animals of any kind living there. That is all judge.”

“Alright, I have found you not guilty, court dismissed.” As Rainsford was walking home he noticed from far away something gleaming was on the roof. As he tried to get a better view he could only make out that it was the barrel of a gun. Soon he look up at his forehead and noticed that there was a red dot. Before he had enough time to react he was already on the ground bleeding profusely. Slowly his eyes closed and soon he heard the siren of an ambulance. When he woke up he saw doctors and nurses running up and down the halls. When he was looking around he saw a letter that was on the nightstand right beside him.

He opened it and it said: “Mr. Rainsford, I must congratulate you on two things. First, being able to survive a bullet to the head and second, beating my father at his favorite game; but now the real fun begins. As I vowed to my father, I would be the next player to continue his match. You may have been able to survive, but now it’s my turn and like my father I don’t miss or lose my targets. Now you won’t be able to turn your head with out being afraid of something stalking you.
Sincerely Bobby Zauroff     

Vocabulary words

Amenity noun: The pleasantness of a place or person
Condone noun: accept and allow
Cultivated Adj: try to aquire or develope
Disarming Adj: take a weapon or weapons away
Droll Adj: curious or unusual way that provokes dry amusment
Imperative Adj: of vital importance, crucial
Quarry Noun: a place typically large deep pit were stone and other material are or have been extracted
Scruple noun: a feeling of doubt or hesitation with reguard to the morality or propriety of a course of action
Solicitously Adj: characterized by having or showing interest or concern
Tangible Adj: perceptible by touch
Uncanny Adj: strange or mysterious esp in a unsettling way
Zealous Adj: having or showing zeal
Zeal= great energy or enthusiasm. 

The gatekeeper condone the friendly merchant to pass into the city.
A tourist was very surprised by the amenities that people in alaska have.
The prisoner cultivated on trying to get the warden's keys, so he could escape the island.
Thanks to the alarm the old man had enough time for disarming the gun from the robber.