Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Vocab words list 2

Preclude= Make from happening, Impossible to do: Verb
Impunity= Excemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action: Noun
Abscond= Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of, or an arrest for a unlawful action/crime: verb
Response= a verbal or written answer: noun
Termination= the act of bringing something or coming to an end: noun
Subside= Become less violence intense or severe: verb
Aperture= An opening, hole, or gap: Noun
Implore= beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something: verb
Fetter= a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles: Noun
Immolation= kill or offer as a sacrifice, esp by burning: Verb

The husband did all his chores and had impunity from going to the opera.
the little boy thought that jumping death gorge would be cool, while the sister laughed at the impunity thought.
The poor Fortunato was reposed 50 years after he was placed in the catacombs.
The ten year old boy absconded to the bathroom because he couldn't hold in three cups of cherry punch.
The termination of the rats was really sad when they were poisoned and sliced in half by traps.
The planes shaky storm subsided after it finally landed two hours later.
The bomb caused a big enough aperture in the ship that it immediately began to sink and tilt.
"I implore you as king of the britain to stand aside and let my people through," the king said as he got on his knees in front of the knight.

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