Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grammer learning signs

Comma= they divide items in a list and are not requiered before the and.
it is not incorrect to put a comma before the and or or at the end.
commas are used when two complete sentences are joined together using such conjunctions as and, but, or, while, and yet
commas fill gaps were other words might go
commas go before direct speech
commas set off interjections
commas set aside non-essential information

Rules for semi collon
Semi-collen= A stylistic mark that is never necessary; it takes place of a comma or period
1) To join two or more closely related sentences or complete statements.
2) To connect interrelated ideas or thoughts.France we bought tea;Amsterdam coffee;in America Coke cola.
3) A semi colon may replace a comma to separate items of a list when additional commas may confuse the reader.

Rules for Collon
Colleen= Stylistic mark,never necessary, takes the place of a comma
1) Introduce a list
2) After a statement that introduces a quotation
3) Many writers use colleen to expand or define on some object or subject within a sentence.

The Dash
Dash=An informal mark of punctuation used for stylistic effects.
1)set off a word or group of words introduced unexpectedly.
2) Abrupt breaking off of one thought into another or the discovery of an unexpected thought or idea.
3) use a dash to separate two identical or almost identical words.
4) use a dash before a list that explains in detail some word or phrases in the first part of the sentence.
5) many authors use the dash as a method of a phrase when a character is speaking.
6) James Joyce uses the dash instead of the quotations.

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