Apathy=Lack of interest, concern, or enthusiasm Noun
Appease=Pacify or placate by acceding their demands Verb
Ensued=happen or occur afterward or as a result Verb
Imperceptible=Impossible to perceive Adj
Peremptory=insisting on immediate attention or obedience Adj
Undulation=move with a smooth wave like motion Verb
Imperative=Of vital importance, crucial Adj
Reiterate=Say something again or number of times. Verb
Conjectual= based on or involving conjecture
Conjecture=an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information:
Poignant= evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret AdjThe 80 year old man had apathy at the thought spending another dreadful day in this retirement home with no chocolate cake covered in vanilla sprinkles and banana slices covered in strawberry and whipcream on top of spray cheese.
To appease the spoiled brat the rich parents had to buy him a ticket to space camp.
Many buildings had fallen after the ensued tornado accident happened in New york.
"your mind is imperceptible to learn on how the world really works young grass hopper" the old monk said.
The five year old sad that he broke his arm and didnt get the undulation of his family that was still adoring the one year old.
It was imperative that the letter was delivered to the hot blond at the end of the classroom
The annoying boy continued to Reitliterate,"I want the blue one" to his tired mom.
The conjectual girl didnt have enough facts to prove that big foot was real.
Even though he promised his now dead wife the husband pointgant during the fact that he couldn't keep his promise.
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