Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Grammer sentence questions

1. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic chemicals; the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.

2. Mr. Leyland played the viola professionally for many years, and he now conducts a community orchestra.

3. The crab grass was flourishing, but the rest of the lawn, unfortunately, was dying.

4. The hill was covered with wildflowers; it was a beautiful sight.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

1) The bear was big, broke open the garbage, ate the left over pizza, got shot by Dan's father, and  Dan cried.

2) Espionage is the secret collection of intelligent information, goes back over two thousand years and was started in China by Sun Tzu.

Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. Several countries participated in the airlift Italy; Belgium; France; and Luxembourg.

2. "Only one course was open to us, surrender." said the ex-major, and we did.

3. Judge Carswell; later to be nominated for the Supreme Court had ruled against civil rights.

4. In last week's New Yorker; one of my favorite magazines; I enjoyed reading Leland's article, "How Not to Go Camping."

5. "Yes", Jim said, "I'll be home by ten." 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grammer learning signs

Comma= they divide items in a list and are not requiered before the and.
it is not incorrect to put a comma before the and or or at the end.
commas are used when two complete sentences are joined together using such conjunctions as and, but, or, while, and yet
commas fill gaps were other words might go
commas go before direct speech
commas set off interjections
commas set aside non-essential information

Rules for semi collon
Semi-collen= A stylistic mark that is never necessary; it takes place of a comma or period
1) To join two or more closely related sentences or complete statements.
2) To connect interrelated ideas or thoughts.France we bought tea;Amsterdam coffee;in America Coke cola.
3) A semi colon may replace a comma to separate items of a list when additional commas may confuse the reader.

Rules for Collon
Colleen= Stylistic mark,never necessary, takes the place of a comma
1) Introduce a list
2) After a statement that introduces a quotation
3) Many writers use colleen to expand or define on some object or subject within a sentence.

The Dash
Dash=An informal mark of punctuation used for stylistic effects.
1)set off a word or group of words introduced unexpectedly.
2) Abrupt breaking off of one thought into another or the discovery of an unexpected thought or idea.
3) use a dash to separate two identical or almost identical words.
4) use a dash before a list that explains in detail some word or phrases in the first part of the sentence.
5) many authors use the dash as a method of a phrase when a character is speaking.
6) James Joyce uses the dash instead of the quotations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

notes on Night Elie Wiesle
Time line 1941-1944 war
Story told by Elli Wiesle
father was on the jewish council
characters Moshi beedle and Elisa wiell. madame Schafer.
Juliek= a bespectacple

Theme= Eliezer’s struggle to maintain faith in a possible God; silence; inhumanity toward other humans; the importance of father-son bonds

Father is pale could be sick or scared
Being forced to leave there homes and neighborhoods

Police checking on houses possibly looking for stow ays or just checking
All the jews are being forced to leave. police are brutally beating and shouting at them to leave. Ether for abusive use of power or for warning about the danger happening from the war.
Were saved by some police before their burning death.
Are now in a concentration camp, possibly going to be used as slaves.
Morality and faith seem to be leaving the poor slaves at the camp.
Some of the prisoners like Akimba Drummer has lost hope in life since he offered his life to execution.

title is symbol night referencing that the darkness is scary and that it will possibly always be scary.
jewish star of david a symbol
symbol= the Haulocuast, The furnace
Job= allusion man in book who is challenge by satan to not be protected by god.

Exposition= Elli wanting to learn more about the religion in his small town. While a great war is about to start.
inciting event= Everyone of the jews being sent to the ghetto.
Rising action= Having a horrific train ride thats full of near starvation and dehydration. Jews have been saved from a burning death and have now been put into concentration camp. Elli and his father going to work like slaves in the camp. Ellie
Climax= Ellie's father dying
Falling Action=The Resistance battling and taking over the camp that Elli was in.
Resolution= Ellie waking up in the hospital with food poisoning. He then looks in the mirror to see his horrific figure he's been turn into.

forshadow and symbol=the furnace
foreshadow=the doctors apointment he said I have a gold crown it seems he's saying he will be healthy. instead was talking about his soon to be pulled gold tooth.

edict= an official order or proclamation said by an official or officer of authority.
phylacteries= a small leather box containing hebrew texts.
synagouge=the building were the jewish assembly or congregation meets.
hermetically= of or relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, and theosophy.
Dysentery= infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces.

narrator 1st person
Pages 1-10: The young jew Maimodes is looking for master. while the book is talking about a man who seems to be sad but pleasant master that made himself invisible from disrupting others or burdening them with his presence. the book is also mentioning and introducing the jewish town of Sighet. Maimodes is talking about his genourouse father who cares more about the town than his family. The father is one of the leaders and he hardly shows any sign of emotion.there town seems to be a few miles away from the war that is happening because the army is starting to warn therm that they may have to leave there homes.

Pages 11-20
now it apears that Maimodes family and the whole town in fact has been asked or forced to leave there nice town. the war appears to be moving near them so they are forced to pack up at small valubles they want and leave. the jews are still in shock that they are leaving at such a late time to be placed in a ghetto. Maimodes family might have a chance at not leaving but they still had to pack up and throw out there stuff in case they were next on going to the ghetto. it turns out that there family is now next and the family is suppose to march quetly and fast to a safer place while the hungarian police escort them

Pages 20-30
As Elli, his family and over 80 jews make it to a safe place, they are soon immediately forced into a compressed train cart. During the first few hours it was quiet and every one was sitting silently. soon people started to flirt with each other for the only means of happiness. during the ride the delirious madam Schafter who kept on hinting towards the always scared of fire. it soon took the other passengers in the cart to beat and tie her up to keep her quiet. After reaching the town of Auschwitz every one was dehydrated and starving, with out there memories or jewelry's to keep. Upon arrival every one was immediately take by officers and split into two groups separating the men and women. it seems that the german police here are trying to save and hid some jews by changing there age and letting them avoid a horrible death.

Pages 30-40
Elli has now been separated from his mom and sister. He now is with his dad and a few other unlucky men that have all been given new ages. Now after being examined by some troops, they have now been sent to a concentration camp in Auschwitz. After being separated into occupation categories the jews are now all sent to work. it Appears that through out the orientation of the camp that Elli has a burning unbelievable rage inside him from all thats happened. Soon after his father went up to a gypsie to ask were the bathroom is but instead ended up being beaten senseless. it seems that these troops were here to use them as slaves in exchange for not killing them.

Pages 40-50
It seems that Ellie has now been moved to a more merciful concentration camp. His pleads were heard and was able to stay moderately close to his father. Though the guards there are nice, they will not laziness or slacking off for jobs they were assigned or there will be punishments. in the end though the last of his Jewish memories were taken away after his gold tooth was pulled out and his shoes were replaced and not bargained with. Though Elie is Jewish it looks like he's starting to question or believe a tiny bit in god for mercy and hope that he will not die.

Pages 50-60
Its been a few weeks since Ellie has arrived at the camp and now is working to get small rations to fill in his boned skin. The leaders or Idek seems to be the worse of the officers at the camp. To save his but and show fear to Elli he whipped him for seeing his self with a half nude Polish girl. It seems that the american forces or opposing enemy has started marching and getting further into German territory, since bombs went off one night at the camp.

Pages 70-80
Elli and the whole camp seem to dwindle in there faith to god. Akimbo has gave up all life he had and offered his neck to the execution. Elli seems to be more worried about his father since he thought that they would die. The condition and weather of the camp seems to be becoming worse then hell. its consistently having blizzards and ice winds that is tearing through the poor clothing and skin of the campers. lastly Elli is now in the hospital and has just had an operation on is frozen swollen leg. it appears the operation was a success and he has avoided the chopping block for now.

Pages 80-90
All the jews are now on the move leaving there concentration camp to go and find shelter far away. With the icy cold wind in front and the thought of being trampled to death by many other prisoners behind, Elie could only continue running on nearly no energy with his father. They finally made it to an abandon factory that was in poor, cold condition. If any of the Jews were to fall asleep on the freezing cold snow it would mean that they're sacrificing there lives to death. Many people are dead and the numbers just keep dropping and soon it will just be Ellie and his father.

Pages 90-100

Though he is passed out and not moving Ellie will not give up the fact that his father may soon pass away. He now is in a great panic to show the other troops that he is not dead yet. Now them and a fast depleting amount of jews are heading off in a train to the middle of Germany. during the ride Elli relives the savagery weak people have when there last source of hope is in between them all. It  seems that more and more people are giving up on living and soon Chlomo's friend Meir Katz might be next. As Elli put it there is a contagion of death that is spreading across the carts. They now have arrived in Buchenwald, now only time will tell what will happn

Pages 101-109

Elli's father was in the final stages of Death there was no more hope, help, or miracle that could deny his inevitable demise. The bunk mates that were next to Chlomo soon started beating him and taking his rations of food, but still there was nothing that could be done to help him no matter how much he pleaded. Ellie was soon given advice from a guard to think for him self, instead of the lost father. Elli despite the fact it was true still couldn't think about it. the next day Chlomo was dead; he was taken late in the morning to the incinerator. Now it was soon going to be the whole camp that would die. Luckily the Jews managed to dis obey this order to there executions and hold out for ten long, starving days. On the tenth day there was gunfire and explosives going off. it was the resistance and they had taken over the base. Ellie spent the next few weeks eating and in the hospital. lastly he got up and looked at the cold stare coming from his mirror.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vocab list 4

Apathy=Lack of interest, concern, or enthusiasm Noun
Appease=Pacify or placate by acceding their demands Verb
happen or occur afterward or as a result Verb
Imperceptible=Impossible to perceive Adj 
insisting on immediate attention or obedience Adj
Undulation=move with a smooth wave like motion Verb
Imperative=Of vital importance, crucial Adj
Reiterate=Say something again or number of times. Verb
based on or involving conjecture
    Conjecture=an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information:
Poignant= evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret Adj

The 80 year old man had apathy at the thought spending another dreadful day in this retirement home with no chocolate cake covered in vanilla sprinkles and banana slices covered in strawberry and whipcream on top of spray cheese.
To appease the spoiled brat the rich parents had to buy him a ticket to space camp.
Many buildings had fallen after the ensued tornado accident happened in New york. 
"your mind is imperceptible to learn on how the world really works young grass hopper" the old monk said.
The five year old sad that he broke his arm and didnt get the undulation of his family that was still adoring the one year old.
It was imperative that the letter was delivered to the hot blond at the end of the classroom
The annoying boy continued to Reitliterate,"I want the blue one" to his tired mom.
The conjectual girl didnt have enough facts to prove that big foot was real. 
Even though he promised his now dead wife the husband pointgant during the fact that he couldn't keep his promise.