Most dangerous game notes
A sailor lore is an island known as Ship Trap island
This island could be a possible forshadow
I think that the crew or some one will end up falling overboard and being stranded on the island
One of the main characters is a pro hunter named Rainsford
He believes in the hunters and the hunted
while in night time Rainsford hears three pistol shots come from the island
while looking on the railing he loses his pipe and goes over board after it
Inciting event is Rainsford heading to the island by him self
Rainsford meets two new strange characters. one being a burly deaf russian soildier called Ivan who follows command under the second man, General Zauroff. While getting new clothes on, Rainsford learns that another man used to wear them. also while having dinner Rainsfordkeeps on noticing that Zauroff was staring at him menacingly. lastly Rainsford soon notices that Zauroff hunts more than animals. Zauroff finds great game and pleasure to hunt any week person or any one of a lower class than him.
Three rising actions that happen in the story is Rainsford falling off his yacht and heading towards ship trap island. Rainsford exploring the island and finding a large manor that hosts two strange owners, General Zauroff, and his deaf and dull friend Ivan. lastly while having dinner Rainsford learns that this man got so unsatisfied of hunting that he hunts game that can reason and is the most dangerous. Zauroff hunts low class humans for fun and Rainsford is soon forced to play his game.
Journal entry 1
This court is now in session, bring
the defendant forward. Mr. Rainsford you have been accused of murder, do you
plead guilty?”
“I don’t, Zuaroff was a hunter and
a mass murder. If you were there before the death you would possibly see
thousands of bones, clothes, and other belongings to people that have gone
missing. When I was at his manor I was supposed to use self-defense to try and
win at his hunting game. I also happen to have a couple of eyewitnesses. These
were twelve Spaniard sailors who were being held prisoner in the basement of
Zauroff’s mansion. Also, like most of the other victims, they were out sailing
until they mysteriously crashed on the island. Zauroff even had guns in his
manor, but if you were to look around you would see no animals of any kind
living there. That is all judge.”
“Alright, I have found you not
guilty, court dismissed.” As Rainsford was walking home he noticed from far
away something gleaming was on the roof. As he tried to get a better view he
could only make out that it was the barrel of a gun. Soon he look up at his forehead
and noticed that there was a red dot. Before he had enough time to react he was
already on the ground bleeding profusely. Slowly his eyes closed and soon he
heard the siren of an ambulance. When he woke up he saw doctors and nurses
running up and down the halls. When he was looking around he saw a letter that
was on the nightstand right beside him.
He opened it and it said: “Mr.
Rainsford, I must congratulate you on two things. First, being able to survive
a bullet to the head and second, beating my father at his favorite game; but
now the real fun begins. As I vowed to my father, I would be the next player to
continue his match. You may have been able to survive, but now it’s my turn and
like my father I don’t miss or lose my targets. Now you won’t be able to turn
your head with out being afraid of something stalking you.
Sincerely Bobby Zauroff
Vocabulary words
Amenity noun: The pleasantness of a place or person
Condone noun: accept and allow
Cultivated Adj: try to aquire or develope
Disarming Adj: take a weapon or weapons away
Droll Adj: curious or unusual way that provokes dry amusment
Imperative Adj: of vital importance, crucial
Quarry Noun: a place typically large deep pit were stone and
other material are or have been extracted
Scruple noun: a feeling of doubt or hesitation with reguard
to the morality or propriety of a course of action
Solicitously Adj: characterized by having or showing interest
or concern
Tangible Adj: perceptible by touch
Uncanny Adj: strange or mysterious esp in a unsettling way
Zealous Adj: having or showing zeal
Zeal= great energy or enthusiasm.
The gatekeeper condone the friendly merchant to pass into the city.
A tourist was very surprised by the amenities that people in alaska have.
The prisoner cultivated on trying to get the warden's keys, so he could escape the island.
Thanks to the alarm the old man had enough time for disarming the gun from the robber.